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A Soaper's life: Masterbatching

Updated: Apr 11, 2020 that again! Time management is so important. There is a fine line between business and the other parts of our life. Our business/job is not our life. Family, friends, coworkers and the people we encounter is why we do what we do and why we were placed on this planet. In an effort to streamline the production aspect of soap making, I have learned some things from some very wise women. It's like in my younger years, I did "Once a Month Cooking". I would make up a bunch of mixes (meat, spices, cookies, casseroles) so that it would take me less than 30 minutes to put a really nice healthy home cooked meal on the table. Now I am using that same concept in soap making. I have my recipe and I measure up 5 batches and put it in the pot ( I know its 5 batches because I was happily measuring away before I realized I was running out of room in the pot!). Now, when I have an hour here and there with nothing pressing, I can whip up a batch of soap without spending hours. I do have designated days where I create new products and just play a bit but those are planned out and don't take away from my real purpose....which is the people God has placed in my life. Find ways to streamline busyness so you have time for your business and those who need your full attention.

Happy Soaping

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