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The wife, mom, grandma...

I started handcrafting when I was in my late twenties just because it was fun. As I have gotten older, I have found a value in the quality that handcrafting brings to a product. The more research I did into the products and their ingredients that are manufactured and the knowledge that these products were in my household, I got concerned about what I was exposing myself and my family to. So, like many others, I started to make products (soap, tooth powder, deodorant...) just for my family. Then one day I needed a gift and the soap was handy. The crazy thing was that people started asking me to make them soap too! So now, handcrafted soap and raw honey are my go to gifts! The thing that finally convinced me to make this venture more than just a hobby was my two teenage grandsons. They come to "Grandma's magic closet" and go home with pockets full of soap. They won't use anything else!


The Beekeeper...


I am a local beekeeper as is my brother. He introduced me to beekeeping. He recently moved to Montana and so I have my hives and have assimilated his. I am passionate about my bees and sustainable beekeeping. All my hives are in the Puyallup/ Graham, Washington area. I manage now, 20 hives to date. In the Spring that number may change as the bees cooperate through splitting hives, catching swarms and any overwinter losses. I am also an active member of the local bee association and do volunteer work to educate people on the subject of bees.

Check out my blog post on, "What exactly is local raw honey!

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